• My First Week of School — Algebra 1

    One of the most common questions teachers ask me is, what is the best way to launch the year? Should we start with getting to know you icebreakers, or a syllabus review, or just dive right into content? Or maybe we should do an out-of-the box, non-routine math problem, a la Jo Boaler. Is there a happy medium between all…

  • Making Connections with Quadratics

    Quadratic Equations — The Core of Algebra 1  How do you teach quadratics in Algebra 1? Quadratic equations are inescapable in high school math. Algebra 1 is typically a student’s first brush with them, and how that goes can have lasting impacts on how a students performs in all high math classes. So you know, no pressure. 😉 Algebra 1…

  • Zombies!

    Happy President’s Day! Here in NYC we have the entire week off #sorrynotsorry for those of you who don’t. I get it, my hubs only has today off and then back to work! I am grateful for this time off because it is giving me a moment to update this blog and add listings to my TPT page. This year…

  • Differentiation Challenges

    October Update +  Differentiation Happy mid-October! I am so happy to report that my classes are going well. I feel like the kids, especially the ninth graders, have finally really figured out the structures and routines of class, and the room is beginning to really flow. Many of my students aced their equation-solving test that they took Friday which was wonderful.…

  • Structures for Success + FREE Weekly Checklist

    Wow! The first few weeks of school really fly by – I can’t believe it is already about to be October! My September has been a whirlwind, as I am sure is the case for all teachers. I have been loving spending time getting to know my new students, my new co-workers, my new school building — so much to learn! I…

  • FREE Growth Mindset Printable

    I love making classroom decorations! It makes me so happy to create a warm and inviting space every year that is personalized for my classes that year. I just made a little poster that says “Every mistake you make is progress” to print out, laminate and post near my classroom door. Download FREE poster HERE This year, I am dedicating myself to…

  • Welcome!

    Happy September, fellow teachers!I am SO excited to start this new school year. It will be my ninth year teaching – where does the time go!? I am starting a new position at a new school in the Bronx. In this position, I get to teach 3 classes and spend the rest of my day coaching and planning professional development…